Meaning, Nature, and Scope of Political Science

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Meaning, Nature, and Scope of Political Science: Explore the foundational concepts of political science, including its definition, significance, and areas of study. Understand the discipline’s impact on governance, policy-making, and societal structures, and gain insights into political science’s theoretical and practical aspects. Political Science is a discipline that explores the theory and practice of politics, governance, and power. It delves into the analysis of political systems, behaviour, and activities. This blog post aims to elucidate Political Science’s meaning, nature, and scope, providing a comprehensive understanding of this critical field.

Meaning of Political Science

Political Science systematically studies political structures, processes, and behaviours. It seeks to understand how governments operate, how policies are formulated, and the impact of political decisions on societies. Political Science is an interdisciplinary field that intersects with economics, history, sociology, and law, among other areas.

The term “Political Science” is derived from the Greek word “polis,” meaning city-state, and “scire,” meaning to know. Thus, Political Science originally referred to the study of city-states but has since evolved to encompass the study of all forms of government and political entities.

If you want to understand the meaning of Political science scientifically go through the definitions;

Here are famous definitions of Political Science by renowned scholars:

1. Aristotle:

“Political Science is the study of the state.”

2. Harold Lasswell:

“Political Science is the study of who gets what, when, and how.”

3. David Easton:

“Political Science is the authoritative allocation of values for a society.”

4. Jean-Jacques Rousseau:

“Political Science deals with the governance and organization of society through laws and social contracts.”

5. Max Weber:

“Political Science is the study of the distribution and exercise of power within a given social order.”

These definitions reflect the diverse perspectives and approaches within the field of Political Science, emphasizing its broad and multifaceted nature.

Nature of Political Science

The nature of Political Science is multifaceted and complex, reflecting the diverse ways in which scholars study politics and government. Understanding its nature helps in grasping the scope and significance of the field. Here are the key aspects that define the nature of Political Science:

1. Scientific and Normative

Scientific: Political Science employs empirical methods to study political phenomena. This involves systematic observation, data collection, and analysis to understand how political systems operate and how political behaviour manifests. For example, researchers might use surveys, statistical analysis, and case studies to draw conclusions about voter behaviour or the impact of public policies.

Normative: Alongside its empirical approach, Political Science also deals with normative questions about what ought to be. It involves the examination of values and principles that should guide political life, such as justice, equality, and liberty. Political theorists often engage in normative analysis to propose ideal forms of governance and ethical standards in politics.

2. Interdisciplinary

Political Science is inherently interdisciplinary, borrowing concepts and methodologies from other social sciences, including:

Economics: To understand issues like public finance, economic policies, and the impact of economic conditions on political stability.

Sociology: To analyze social structures, group behaviour, and the influence of societal norms on politics.

History: To study the historical context of political systems, movements, and ideologies.

Law: To explore the legal frameworks within which political systems operate and the role of constitutional and administrative law.

This interdisciplinary nature allows Political Science to provide a more comprehensive understanding of political phenomena by integrating various perspectives.

3. Dynamic and Evolving

Political Science is not static; it evolves with changes in political thought, technological advancements, and global events. For instance:

Technological Change: The rise of social media and digital communication has transformed political campaigning, public engagement, and information dissemination.

Globalization: Increased interconnectedness has brought new challenges and opportunities in international relations, such as transnational governance and global trade dynamics.

Political Shifts: Changes in political ideologies, leadership, and policies continually reshape the landscape that Political Science studies.

Researchers and scholars must constantly adapt to these changes, updating theories and methodologies to remain relevant.

4. Analytical and Descriptive

Analytical: Political Science involves analyzing political systems, institutions, and behaviour to uncover underlying patterns and causal relationships. This includes examining the factors that influence voting behaviour, the effectiveness of different government structures, and the impact of public policies.

Descriptive: In addition to analysis, Political Science also describes political phenomena, providing detailed accounts of political processes, institutional structures, and historical events. Descriptive studies help build a foundational understanding of how different political entities function.

5. Value-Laden

Political Science often deals with value-laden concepts, making it difficult to remain entirely objective. Issues such as justice, equality, freedom, and power are inherently normative, and scholars’ values can influence their interpretations and conclusions. Recognizing this value-laden nature is essential for understanding the biases and perspectives that can shape political analysis.

6. Institutional and Behavioral

Institutional: This aspect focuses on the formal structures of government and political institutions, such as legislatures, executives, judiciaries, and bureaucracies. It examines how these institutions are designed, how they function, and their impact on policy-making and governance.

Behavioural: The behavioural approach studies the actions and attitudes of individuals and groups within the political system. This includes voter behaviour, political participation, public opinion, and the role of political parties and interest groups. Behavioral Political Science seeks to understand why people behave the way they do in political contexts.

The nature of Political Science is characterized by its scientific and normative approaches, interdisciplinary scope, dynamic evolution, analytical and descriptive methods, value-laden inquiries, and focus on both institutions and behaviour. These aspects collectively contribute to a rich and comprehensive field that is crucial for understanding and improving political systems and governance. By exploring these various dimensions, scholars and practitioners of Political Science can better address the complex challenges and opportunities that arise in the realm of politics.

Scope of Political Science

The scope of Political Science is vast and multifaceted, encompassing various subfields and approaches to understanding political phenomena. It covers the study of political theory, institutions, behaviour, policies, and international relations. Here’s a detailed exploration of the primary areas that define the scope of Political Science:

1. Political Theory

Political Theory is the philosophical study of politics. It involves the analysis of ideas, concepts, and principles that underpin political systems and behaviours. Political Theory can be divided into two main categories:

Classical Political Theory: This involves the study of the works of ancient philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, and Machiavelli, as well as the foundational texts of political thought from other cultures.

Modern Political Theory: This examines the writings of more recent philosophers and theorists such as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, and Rawls. It addresses contemporary issues and the evolution of political ideas over time.

Political Theory explores questions about justice, rights, liberty, and the role of the state, offering normative perspectives on how political life should be organized.

2. Comparative Politics

Comparative Politics is the study and comparison of political systems across different countries. It seeks to identify patterns, similarities, and differences in political systems, institutions, processes, and behaviour. Key areas of focus include:

Political Institutions: Examining different forms of government (e.g., democracies, authoritarian regimes), legislatures, executives, and judiciaries.

Electoral Systems and Party Systems: Analyzing how different electoral systems operate and how political parties function and interact within various political contexts.

Political Culture and Socialization: Understanding how cultural and social factors influence political behaviour and attitudes.

Public Policy and Administration: Comparing policy-making processes and administrative structures across different political systems.

Comparative Politics helps to generalize findings and develop theories that explain political phenomena across diverse contexts.

3. International Relations

International Relations (IR) is the study of interactions between countries and other global actors. It covers a broad range of topics, including:

Foreign Policy: Analyzing how states formulate and implement their foreign policies.

International Conflict and Cooperation: Studying the causes of war, peace processes, and the role of international organizations in conflict resolution.

Global Governance: Examining the role and effectiveness of international institutions such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.

International Political Economy: Investigating the economic relationships between countries, including trade, finance, and development.

IR theories such as realism, liberalism, constructivism, and Marxism offer different perspectives on how international relations are structured and function.

4. Public Administration

Public Administration focuses on the implementation of government policies and the management of public programs. It includes the study of:

Bureaucracy: Understanding the structure and functioning of bureaucratic organizations.

Policy Analysis: Evaluating the processes through which policies are developed, implemented, and assessed.

Public Management: Examining the principles and practices of effective public sector management, including leadership, human resources, budgeting, and performance evaluation.

Ethics and Accountability: Addressing issues of transparency, corruption, and ethical behaviour in public service.

Public Administration aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations and service delivery.

5. Public Law

Public Law examines the legal frameworks within which political systems operate. It includes:

Constitutional Law: The study of constitutional systems, principles, and the interpretation of constitutional texts.

Administrative Law: Focusing on the rules and regulations governing administrative agencies and their decision-making processes.

Judicial Processes: Analyzing the role of courts and the judiciary in interpreting laws and ensuring justice.

Public Law helps in understanding the legal underpinnings of political authority and the protection of individual rights.

6. Political Methodology

Political Methodology involves the development and application of quantitative and qualitative research methods to study political phenomena. Key aspects include:

Statistical Analysis: Using statistical tools and techniques to analyze political data.

Survey Research: Designing and conducting surveys to gather data on political attitudes and behaviours.

Experimental Methods: Implementing experiments to test hypotheses about political behaviour.

Qualitative Methods: Employing case studies, interviews, and ethnographic research to explore political phenomena in depth.

Political Methodology is essential for producing rigorous and reliable research findings.

The scope of Political Science is extensive, covering a wide range of areas that contribute to our understanding of political life. From the theoretical foundations to practical applications in public administration, from comparative analyses to the complexities of international relations, Political Science provides invaluable insights into the workings of political systems and the behaviour of political actors. This breadth allows scholars and practitioners to address diverse political issues, contributing to the development of informed and effective policies and governance.

Importance of Political Science from Local to Global Levels

Political Science plays a critical role in understanding and shaping political processes, institutions, and behaviour at all levels of society—from local communities to global interactions. Its importance can be highlighted through various aspects:

1. Local Level

At the local level, Political Science helps in understanding the functioning of municipal governments, local councils, and community organizations. Key areas of importance include:

Local Governance: Understanding how local governments operate, including the roles of mayors, city councils, and local administrative bodies. This helps in improving local governance and public services.

Community Participation: Analyzing ways to enhance citizen engagement and participation in local decision-making processes. This fosters a more inclusive and responsive governance structure.

Policy Implementation: Studying the effectiveness of local policies and programs, such as urban planning, public health, and education initiatives. This ensures that local policies meet the needs of the community.

2. National Level

At the national level, Political Science is essential for understanding the broader framework of government, policy-making, and national identity. Its importance includes:

Constitutional Understanding: Providing insights into the country’s constitution, legal frameworks, and the separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This ensures the proper functioning of democratic institutions.

Public Policy: Analyzing and evaluating national policies on issues such as healthcare, education, economy, and national security. This leads to the development of effective and equitable policies.

Electoral Processes: Studying electoral systems, voter behaviour, and political parties. This helps in ensuring fair and free elections, enhancing democratic governance.

National Identity and Cohesion: Understanding the role of national identity, culture, and historical context in shaping political behaviour and policies. This promotes national unity and cohesion.

3. Regional Level

At the regional level, Political Science helps in understanding the dynamics of regional governance, inter-state relations, and regional organizations. Its significance includes:

Regional Cooperation: Analyzing the functioning and impact of regional organizations such as the European Union, ASEAN, and African Union. This promotes regional integration and cooperation.

Conflict Resolution: Studying regional conflicts and strategies for conflict resolution and peace-building. This contributes to regional stability and security.

Economic Development: Evaluating regional economic policies and development programs. This ensures balanced and sustainable regional development.

4. Global Level

At the global level, Political Science is crucial for understanding international relations, global governance, and transnational issues. Its importance includes:

International Relations: Studying the interactions between states, international organizations, and non-state actors.

This includes diplomacy, international trade, and global security.

Global Governance: Analyzing the role and effectiveness of global institutions such as the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund.

This promotes international cooperation and global stability.

Human Rights and Global Justice: Examining international human rights laws, global justice, and efforts to combat global issues such as climate change, terrorism, and pandemics. This promotes global justice and human welfare.

Aspects of Importance

1. Political Education and Awareness

Political Science educates citizens about their rights, responsibilities, and the functioning of their political system.

This promotes informed and active citizenship, enhancing democratic governance.

2. Policy Analysis and Development

Political scientists analyze policies and their impacts, providing valuable insights for policymakers.

This leads to the development of effective, evidence-based policies that address societal needs.

3. Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies

By studying conflicts and their causes, Political Science contributes to conflict resolution and peace-building efforts.

This promotes stability and security at local, national, and international levels.

4. Economic Development and Public Administration

Political Science examines the relationship between politics and economic development, focusing on public administration, governance, and policy implementation. This ensures efficient and effective governance.

5. Global Citizenship and International Cooperation

Political Science fosters an understanding of global issues and the importance of international cooperation. This promotes global citizenship and collaborative efforts to address global challenges.

Political Science is crucial for understanding and improving political systems and governance at all levels, from local communities to the global arena.

It provides valuable insights into the functioning of political institutions, the formulation and implementation of policies, and the behaviour of political actors.

By educating citizens, informing policymakers, and promoting international cooperation, Political Science plays a vital role in fostering democratic governance, social justice, and global peace and stability.


In conclusion, the study of Political Science empowers us to comprehend the intricate web of politics, governance, and power that shapes our lives.

It equips us with the tools to critically analyze political phenomena, advocate for justice and equality, and work towards a more democratic and peaceful world.

Whether at the local, national, regional, or global level, Political Science remains a cornerstone of informed and engaged citizenship, fostering a better understanding of the political dynamics that influence our everyday lives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Political Science?

Political Science is the systematic study of politics, government, and political behaviour r.

It involves the analysis of political systems, institutions, processes, and theories to understand how power and authority are distributed and exercised within societies.

Political Science covers various subfields, including political theory, comparative politics, international relations, public administration, and public law.

2. Why is Political Science important?

Political Science is important because it helps us understand the functioning of political systems, the formulation and implementation of policies, and the behavior of political actors.

It provides insights into the distribution of power and authority, enhances citizen participation, informs policy-making, promotes peace and conflict resolution, and fosters global understanding and cooperation.

3. What are the main subfields of Political Science?

The main subfields of Political Science are:

Political Theory: The philosophical study of political ideas and concepts such as justice, liberty, and democracy.

Comparative Politics: The comparison of political systems, institutions, and behaviour across different countries.

International Relations: The study of interactions between states and global actors, including diplomacy, international organizations, and global issues.

Public Administration: The study of the implementation of government policies and the management of public programs.

Public Law: The examination of legal frameworks, constitutional principles, and judicial processes within political systems.

4. How does Political Science help in understanding governance?

Political Science helps in understanding governance by analyzing the structures, functions, and processes of government institutions.

It examines the roles of executives, legislatures, judiciaries, and administrative bodies, providing insights into how policies are formulated, implemented, and evaluated.

This understanding is crucial for ensuring transparent, accountable, and effective governance.

5. How does Political Science enhance citizen participation?

Political Science educates citizens about their rights, responsibilities, and the workings of their political system.

This knowledge fosters informed and active citizenship, encouraging individuals to participate in democratic processes such as voting, public debates, and community initiatives.

Enhanced citizen participation leads to more responsive and inclusive governance.

6. What role does Political Science play in policy-making?

Political Science plays a crucial role in policy-making by providing evidence-based analysis and recommendations.

Political scientists study the impact of policies, conduct empirical research, and evaluate policy outcomes.

This information helps policymakers design effective, equitable, and sustainable policies that address societal needs and challenges.

7. How does Political Science contribute to peace and conflict resolution?

Political Science contributes to peace and conflict resolution by studying the causes of conflicts and exploring strategies for peace-building.

It analyzes the role of diplomacy, international organizations, and conflict resolution mechanisms.

By understanding the dynamics of conflicts and promoting peaceful solutions, Political Science helps in maintaining global stability and security.

8. What is the significance of Political Science in international relations?

In international relations, Political Science is significant for understanding the interactions between states, international organizations, and non-state actors.

It examines issues such as diplomacy, international trade, global governance, and transnational challenges.

Political Science fosters global cooperation and helps address global issues like climate change, terrorism, and pandemics.

9. How does Political Science adapt to changes in society and technology?

Political Science is a dynamic field that evolves with changes in society, technology, and global events.

Political scientists continually update their theories and methodologies to address new political challenges and opportunities.

This adaptability ensures that Political Science remains relevant and provides accurate insights into contemporary political phenomena.

10. What career opportunities are available for Political Science graduates?

Political Science graduates have diverse career opportunities in various fields, including:

Government and Public Administration: Roles in local, state, and federal government agencies, public policy, and public administration.

International Organizations: Positions in international organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, and NGOs.

Academia and Research: Careers in teaching, academic research, and policy analysis.

Law and Judiciary: Opportunities in legal professions, judicial services, and legal research.

Media and Journalism: Roles in political journalism, media analysis, and communication.

Private Sector: Positions in corporate governance, public affairs, and consultancy.

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